Sometimes the best things are 'the nots.' Like not having to empty the cat litter first thing in the morning. Or not having to make your own cup of tea.
Yesterday was filled with these delightful nots.
Instead of making lunch Mr Small and I drove into town and went to a little Vietnamese restaurant for lunch with my husband instead.
Instead of staying home and doing the laundry, we went shopping together for a birthday dress for me. Though how Mr Small ended up fully kitted out for winter from head to toe is a complete mystery to me.
It was not a quiet day, but one filled with phonecalls, messages and texts wishing me well for the year ahead.
There were even some beautiful balloons from family and lovely flowers from a kindred spirit.

I didn't do the bedtime, bathtime routine. Instead I went to a party with my husband that I was kind of dreading. Once the director knew it was my birthday however, there seemed to be a never-ending supply of cocktails headed my way.
Delightful and refreshing.
Of course today is back to normal. With the faint buzzing that accompanies this richly deserved hangover, I had to make a new set of sandwiches for the kids. Mainly because I left the ones prepared yesterday out on the work surface all night.
While I asked the offspring to please, please let mummy sleep all the night, the night before my birthday I should have thought that through and asked they do it the night after ;)
That's my problem, not thinking things all the way through. Something for me to work on this year.
So today the wee foster kitties have forgotten where the litter is and have made a huge and stinky mess.
The laundry from yesterday is still here today.
Today I need to do a couple of phone interviews and hone my pitches.
I'm just going to make myself another cup of tea first.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.