She looked at the limp, black bundle in my arms appraisingly.
"To be honest I put down ones that looked a lot healthier than that yesterday. I really think I should..," she trailed off.
The words hung unspoken in the air between us.
I knew what she wanted to say.
But clearly yesterday had been a crappy day for her and she could see from the look in my eye and the pleading tone in my voice I wasn't giving up.
"I know she's just a foster kitten, but can't we give her a go? I'll pay for any treatment she needs...." and then I too trailed off.
The vet looked at me squarely.
"Ok, but she's going to need feeding by syringe, medication and a lot of care."
"No problem!" I said hastily.
So she sits here in a basket beside me as I type.
A little black stray.
Who needs a second chance. (She may still need to be put down but I'm hoping she makes a recovery from this horrible flu)

I've spent much of this week just being. Instead of anxiously wondering "what's next?" I decided not to care. I've made shadow puppets on the wall with the kids and laughed hysterically at our little creations. We've read Alice in Wonderland, we've talked till late and cuddled close. All precious and perfect.

I too needed a second chance, and so I am grateful this week for:

1. Bootcamp. I went twice. Loved it. Didn't go back. But instead of giving up I'm rallying local friends round to come with me. Clearly I need more than the incentive of rock hard abs (who am I kidding?) to get me out of bed at 5.45am three mornings a week. So I'm going back again this coming week. Take 2.

2. Leis and Luaus are written in the stars this weekend. Well on the email invite anyway. So grateful to the kind person who lined me up with a lei which fortuitously matches my outfit perfectly.

3. Well it may sound sappy but I am grateful that I helped make an e-book. It's my first one and I am so proud to have played a role in making it. Lovely Easter stuff. Helped by the fact that the offspring loved being the guinea pigs as it were, for much of the craft and cooking. A rollicking good time was had by all.

I'm grateful to be back in my space. Back at my blog. And I hope to catch up and visit you all too.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone x