I began the week excited, nervous and a little anxious.
Excited because Sam and Carly had honoured us by asking my husband I to be the Godparents to their new baby. I can't wait for this new baby to come into the world and to meet them. Though obviously Sam and Carly would prefer it to wait until December! May she have a long and happy life ahead.
Nervous because I was starting back to work this week which would entail me going into various schools to administer tests. I haven't stood in front of a class for almost 3 years now.
Anxious because somehow I knew, just knew something would happen.
And it did.
Please bear in mind Mr Small turned 2 yesterday. There were to be celebrations and festivities to mark this day.
Please also note this was the week where I went shopping to get an outfit for THE WEDDING.
On top of that there was the school run, shopping, cleaning etc to contend with.
There is also Rory's Garden my brother and I are working on. It requires alot of work and time too.
None of these things were done, achieved, celebrated.
H1N1 (Swine flu but I prefer calling it H1n1. It sounds, well, cleaner)
is why.
I was called to collect Mr Large from school early in the week when he became very sick alarmingly quickly. Let me reiterate. ALARMINGLY quickly. I am anxious at the best of times, but the news the night before had reported a perfectly healthy child had died of swine flu that day. So when my darling GP (who I will love forever) diagnosed it I was so stressed out I filled in the forms with all the wrong names and birth dates for him.
He seems to have a mild dose fortunately. But it's meant broken nights, high fevers and nausea for my poor darling. And now it looks like Miss Medium is coming down with it.
So we have been pariahs this week. Naturally, no one wants to come near us.
My husband has had to work from home, which for me at least has been great.
When I go to the shops I I keep my head down and look round furtively waiting for someone to yell out: "HER! Her family has swine flu!."
Mother in law dropped off a vat of chicken soup yesterday. That is, she phoned on her way up to beg us to stay inside the house. She would drop the soup at our front door and drive away. Only when she was at least 2km down the road were we permitted to step outside our front door to collect it.
So I apologise to Mr Small.
But he spent the day surrounded by people who love him and with presents for him tossed over the fence by various family and friends.
I didn't buy him anything. Mainly because my shopping trips have been to buy milk or basic staple products. I have rushed in and rushed out.
He hasn't held it against me though.
And I love him.
So much.
Happy Birthday darling boy.