So I'm a little stiff and sore
in, ahem, all kinds of places.
I didn't get to go as fast as I would have liked mainly due to ALOT off walkers I had to battle my way past on the first leg of the run.
But I LOVED it.
The atmosphere was amazing. It was hard work. It was fun.
And I'm signing up for the half marathon for next year.
For those of you who are interested it took me 1 hour and 21 minutes to complete 12km. I can hear you doing the mental maths, I don't run fast, but I can cover long distances at a steady pace.
And one of the big lessons I learned from these past ten weeks is that when it comes to my fitness, there are no excuses.
If I can keep up a training regime whilst supporting my dad through major heart surgery, through my children having swine flu and you know 3rd degree burns, as well as working both full and part time, well you can too.
The fact that I coped with all those things is probably because I was getting fit.
I remember starting and doing two kilometers nearly killed me. But I persevered.
This isn't a call to arms by any means, but I urge you to find a sport you love or if you can't find one you love, instead find one you don't hate. And do it.
Because we all have struggles in our lives. And we all need time out. And sitting on the couch eating isn't the way to do it. Trust me on this. It has its place, but tragically, it's a very small place. In fact my doctor would say it has no place.
And I have to tell you, there are some BIG hills on this run and one of the things that kept me going was reciting the names written on the flower on my tshirt in my head.
Remembering them, and remembering you.
It gave me a reason to keep going and for that I thank you.
And now, in what is the ONLY time you will ever see my rear view
Kinda pretty don't you think?
The flower I mean....