I was fortunate enough to witness the ecstatic The Tallest Man On Earth-show on the 20th November in YO-Talo, Tampere. The evening had been a fine one with warm-up acts including Liechtenstein and Taxi Taxi! and it was soon going to get even better as The Tallest Man On Earth, born Kristian Matsson, climbed on stage and began his one-man folk-boogie.

His evasive appearance as he wandered to and fro and about on the stage gave a sharp contrast to the soul-piercing, slightly dylanesque presence of his voice. From the first couple of chords it was obvious it was going to be a great show but I shortly discovered it was in fact going to be one of the best I've seen in ages. If you ever have the chance to go and see this guy play live, do go!

The Tallest Man On Earth will be releasing a new album next January. Here's hoping its promotional tour will bring him back to Finland.

The Tallest Man On Earth - The Gardener