I think that maybe I am growing up. Just when I congratulate myself that I am becoming less impulsive, more mature, more, well adult. I stuff it up.
Usually spectacularly.
Today has been no different.
You see, I was asked to apply for a job. A fantastic job. A job I really wanted. Please note my use of the past tense.
I applied for it on the grounds I'd only do it part-time so I know I wasn't their ideal candidate. But I'd figured out child minding arrangements and thought it through. Carefully. Thoughtfully. NOT impulsively.
I updated my resume. I wrote my cover letter. I even got my husband to get it checked with his HR at work. Because I was taking it seriously. I was taking it slow. I had other friends check it. I didn't hear back from one of them, but I assumed they thought it was okay.
The closing date isn't for a while, but being the hyper controlling stupidly impulsive person I am I sent it off this morning.
Then I got the call from the friend who I hadn't heard from previously. Their opinion matters to me enormously. They are wise, experienced and clever. And they know this company well.
And in their opinion my letter was wrong.
In tone, style, manner, delivery etc, etc.
You see I thought a cover letter and an application letter were the same thing.
My letter was detailed and covered all the points raised in the advert.
Apparently a cover letter doesn't do that. It's short and basically says "Hey, here's my letter, enjoy" or words to that effect.
So apart from being crushed (and having a profound understanding of why my children seek my approval for everything, every waking minute of the day) I'm wondering what to do?
I've wrestled with the idea of phoning the company and asking begging them to bin my application without looking at it and re-sending it. But then I think they might think I'm some kind of lunatic. They would be right.
But I really WANT this job!
My husband assures me the letter is great.
So does his HR.
But they aren't employing me.
And neither will the company I applied to, I suspect.
Thoughts? Advice? Suggestions?