I read alot of blogs.
I remember when I started reading blogs and writing my own, someone asked me; "What are you writing for?"
Good question.
I think it evolved over time. It was a way of sharing what I wanted and needed to share with others. It was a way of connecting. It was a way for me to articulate (usually to myself) something I was working through or a goal I needed to set.
I enjoy blogging. I usually enjoy reading other peoples blogs. I've made what I consider to be genuine friendships through blogging.
And I don't for one minute think that reading a blog gives me a complete and total representation of who a person actually is. I may come across as delightful and witty, but ask my husband to describe me this morning and he would look anxiously over his shoulder to check I wasn't within earshot before telling you:"cranky and a tad unreasonable."
But recently a few things have begun to puzzle me.
I worry about those who share all too painful truths here, are getting their fingers not only burnt, but singed right off.
I worry that those in whom we place our trust, offer our support to, may not actually really need it.
It's like the way teens are often judged. The reality is, the majority of them are great, decent young people. And some are not. And often, it's the few who ensure everyone else is tarred with the same brush. As a former teacher it used to annoy me intensely the way this stereotype was both engendered and perpetuated.
And in some ways I worry about this in blogland.
There is a saying "Least said, soonest mended."
I could not agree with this less right now.
So I'm taking a little blog "holiday."
Planning a party for Miss Medium. Getting into training for my next fun run. Catching up on emails. Taking Mr Small in for surgery. Having my gallbladder out.
In the interests of full disclosure
I needed you to know that.
I promise I'll show you my scar.
Maybe not.