Firstly every couple should get away to Sydney for a weekend away. (If however, you live in Sydney can I suggest Perth as your getaway destination?)
It was magic. DH and I laughed, walked and enjoyed being together. It's been too long since we did that uninterrupted. We are hoping to get away again later this year.
I loved spending time with my gorgeous brothers, all four of them and hanging out with my sister in law and cute little niece.
So I'm back, renewed, refreshed and hope filled.
I had gotten on the plane planning to make a list of all the things I had to do, to plan, to organise. But when I put my seatbelt on I just felt a wave of peace wash over me, and as a result my diary lay in my bag all weekend untouched.
Yoga is about just being, emptying your mind and focusing on the movement. I think missing my classes had let that philosphy slip away a bit.
Praying, which is something I don't do enough of, is hard for me. The lovely Jill helped me out here and I now have a daily devotional which lets me at least think about the meaning of the words and reflect on them in the context of my own life. I wish there was an online Bible study discussion group though. I'm a novice in so many ways, kind of ironic when you consider I am qualified to teach Religious Education!
So I have my first proper work day this Friday which I am excited about. I work from home but I don't have to get dressed up for that. I will actually get to wear "proper clothes" and talk to grown ups. It's just one day though, and I don't know where it will lead. I am mindful of the fact that my little crew come first, and given that DH is beginning to travel more and more frequently, I have to factor that in too. So it's exciting and scary too.
Finally, please keep this beautiful family in your prayers. They are travelling down a painful path and if you have time, drop over and offer them some support. When we are struggling with things, being supported makes an inordinate difference.
These are the days when I bless the internet, that complete strangers can meet and offer help. It's also a timely reminder (as if we needed it) that sometimes we are very blessed, or equally, given our experiences that we are uniquely qualified to offer guidance and support.