Thank you for your support at my previous blog bawl. I feel much better for having said it.
Moving on....
A certain someone has a birthday on the distant horizon (ahem) mine.
I approach this birthday 35 pounds lighter than I did last year. But I was thinking that over the next few weeks I'd throw all my weight (pardon the pun) into losing another few pounds.
Last year I remember going to a restaurant on that auspicious day with my DH and parents, and everything feeling so uncomfortable. Everything, from the clothes I wore, to the scrutiny from the waiter when I ordered a fattening dish. I could almost hear him thinking:"What is SHE doing ordering THAT?"
That was probably my paranoia though!
WW worked very well for me and I'm a lifetime member now, so my new project?
Learning to make Japanese food.
It's cheap, nutritious and (apparently) easy to make.
Thus far my endeavours have not been successful.
I bought the wrong sushi maker, I didn't get the bamboo mats that I should have bought. I used the wrong rice and I flavoured my chicken with soy instead of teriyaki.
But I'm not a quitter.
I want my kids to grow willing to try and create exciting dishes. They LOVE Saturday afternoons where we make pasta from scratch and a delicious (healthy sauce) to go with it. So now we are going to introduce them to this.
They aren't wild at the idea of eating seaweed lol! but we'll get there.
It's strange how much I've changed over the past year. Old me would have seen "looking after myself" as treating myself to a box of Belgian shells, or having a pedicure. Now I realise it goes so, so much deeper than that.
"Looking after myself" has meant finding time to keep fit. it's meant finding a body weight that is safe and healthy for me. It's meant healing childhood wounds.
And the result of doing this?
I am happy!
I now have choices previously not available to me. They range from LOVING clothes shopping (which was previously a form of torture, mental and physical, though you could argue, it's a new and expensive addiction!) to being able to articulate things I am sad/mad about and being confident enough to do it.
I don't know what the year ahead holds for me, but I know with the new friends I've made along the way. It will be a pretty good one!
And if anyone has any good recipes for Japanese food or useful tips, please feel free to share them!