I LOVE MEG!!!!!!

I love Meg! *waves at Meg* She got me a perty carnation on valentines day! I love Meg! And not just cause the flower is all pretty and nice! No sireebob! IT coulda been a shiney rock and I still would have loved it. Cause it came from my best friend. You're da best Meg! I LOVE MEG!

On another note, it hurts to chew. It's not a teeth issue I don't think but every time I eat something lately it takes forever for me to finish chewing. I think it might be because I'm exhausted but then I also think it's because I'm not feeling good. Which may have been caused by my exhaustion. I'm not sure. I'm not a DR! I'm a lawyer! Wait...Am I Lional Hutz? Is that the write spelling? Moving right along.

Otay this is totally silly and blame it on my lack of sleep and stomach ache. Lately, everyone's being really nice to me and I greatly appreciate it all. Everyone is really helping me out right now and so I desperately want to help someone, anyone, back. I just want to help someone back y'know? So today Megan forgot her pencil case in her english room. I volunteered to run and get it. I ran to the English room and saw that it was locked. So I went to the music room and asked the music teacher guy (who seems scary to me) to unlock the door. He complied and followed me into the English room. Flaw in my plan, if it was my pencil case lost (cause I reckon most teachers wouldn't like the idea of getting someone elses pencil case...it made sense at the time), why wouldn't I know where I sat? I desperately tried to look under all the desks but I was running late and I didn't see it. So I ran across the school and back to my classroom. A failure. And I know it's stupid cause it is JUST a pencil case but I still felt super bad about it. I just wanted to help someone. And that's it...So I'm sorry if anyone was worried about me or anything like that...It was not my intention, I just felt badly. Which is silly.