Finally!!! I tried to blog aaalll weekend! I swear I did! But everytime I got into blogger, and then into my blog it would go all wonky and netscape would close. My computer + Me = HATE!

Anyhoo, I'll post all the posts that I have in wordpad tomorrow, cause frankly I'm tired and can't be bothered.

Today, today, what happened today....Oh yes! ya know the old saying you learn something new everyday? I learned about, oh, twenty things. Most things I'm not allowed to blog about. First off, I'm so happy people trust me enough to tell me things. *smiles all giddy like*, second off Meg is really really funny after four glasses of Coke! Whooo!

Oooh ya know who I love learning about? Myself. I know that sounds all shallow, but really everyone wants to know more about thems selves. I know this because of all those self tests out there, shrinks, and why people like to talk about themselves. I think I just like learning about myself cause I'm always on the road of self improvement. It's a long, long road. :)

Anyhoo....Field Hockey game tomorrow! Let's hear it for not playing! I reckon if I'm loudest, maybe I'll get some award for "Best little Trooper" or sumthin.

Question of the Day: Is it possible to care too much about your friends? Ponder mon amies, ponder.