Anyway, focus Mrs Woog.
Yes. Things down the dunny.
OK, So the extremely cool suits at JVC couriered this little ripper over to me to play with and said if I liked it, they would give one away to a lucky WoogsWorld reader! And I like it. And if it ends up in the dunny, there will be no problems as it is waterproof up to 3 metres.

Pretty Sexy Hey!
It is quite apparent that I did not write the following, but for those who are detailed driven and are techno nerds, knock your socks off!
JVC has launched a new PICSIO Full HD pocket camera, the GC-WP10. It’s the first waterproof and shockproof PICSIO, allowing recording in even the roughest swells. It’s easy to use thanks to a three-inch touch panel for simple operation and playback. Users can enjoy recording without the worry of splashes and spills as well as recording underwater to a depth of 3m/10ft (IPX8 certified). The GC-WP10 is fitted with a tough casing, able to withstand liquids and endure a tumble.
PICSIO GC-WP10 (RRP: $329)
Waterproof Design (3m/10ft)
3" Touch Panel with Icon Graphics and Large Playback Picture
Built-in LoiLoScope EX software for ‘Plug & Share’
Easy Upload to YouTube™ / Facebook / Vimeo
Easy Export to iTunes® Library
iFrame video recording mode
Time-Lapse REC
MP3 Audio Recording (Stereo)
Face Detection
I just want to know "Is it easy to use?" because I am a point and shoot kind of gal. And if it does not work for me the first time, I tend to write things off (apart from motherhood and marriage)
But it works and is fun and I have even got a few little videos coming up for you this week, to put the "WaterProof and ShockProof" theory to the test. Let's just say it is going to involve a washing machine and a teething baby. But obviously not in the same shot...

Leave a comment telling me why you want to win the PICSIO GC-WP10 and suggest a way you might test the shockproof/waterproof theory.
The winner will selected by the JVC heavies on MONDAY 31ST January and will be announced on WoogsWorld straight after I drop the kids off to their first day back at school, a day which cannot come quick enough let me tell you.
Good Luck, and tweet this if you're horny!

As usual, Mrs Woog did not get paid squat for this post.
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