This idea belongs to my middle child.  Caleb is such a funny kid.  He like dinosaurs a LOT.  He might even be a little obsessed with them.  So, it wasn't any surprise that he picked dinosaur cookies for his Valentine's Day idea.

For the first set, I went with the old faithfuls, dinosaurs as hearts.  These are always a hit.  I can't take credit for this idea, I think it was a Wilton thing once upon a time.

I tried to make them a little more Valentine-y by adding  hearts and simple "You're GRRR-eat," and  "You're Dino-myte," rounds.

Then for the girl in me, I made another set, these were a little simpler, but pretty. And without teeth.I

*Word to the wise, don't spend hours decorating cookies for young children.  You will be heartbroken when they take one bite and throw them in the trash, or use them as projectile weapons when the school party sugar high kicks in*

While I was on the topic of dinosaurs, I decided to make a simple platter of cookies for my godson, who is turning five this weekend...

And one special Dinosaur cookie for my husband, who I love dearly...


{He may not condone it, but he couldn't deny it was cute...and hilarious!}

All of these cookies are simple enough to work really well for Valentine's Day treat bags.  To help everyone out, I found this cute, fun Valentine printable at The Celebration Shoppe.  Follow the instructions to get yours =)

I also see another adorable girl idea there,

*Think owls and flowers =)*

I hope everyone will try these projects and spend a little time crafting with their kids.