I must admit to being insatiably curious about some things. This is one of them. When I see harried mothers juggling offspring at shopping centres or glamorous women shopping at high end stores, my thought is usually the same.
What's in your bag?
Not because I want what they have in there. But because I just like to know. I'm curious like that.
I have a love of handbags. The bigger the better. It's interesting to note that my need for bigger ones began at roughly the same time my first child arrived. It is only in recent months that they've stopped stashing nappies and bottle of milk. Yes my offspring were all late to toilet training.
The last couple of years saw me toting round a black Mimco handbag that was my pride and joy. I had it on lay-by and proudly paid it off over a number of weeks. Strangely I'm more attached to it than I would have been if I'd been able to afford it outright.
The past few months have seen a bit of a change though. Firstly, I'm no longer toting nappies and milk around. Tip for those of you that do this. Make sure the lid on your milk is FIRMLY SECURED. Trust me on this.
Secondly I had therapy. The link between therapy and handbags may seem odd but it saw me break free of my lifelong need to wear black most of the time. Now I take pride in wearing bright colours. I'm not waif like or a size 10 but I'm happy in my skin at long last.
You may know I recently bought a new bag. A richly pink, gorgeously weaved bag. It's love. True love.
And yesterday I did the "back to school" restock.
I don't know about you but there are certain items that HAVE to be in my bag before the school year begins. Because they'll be needed somewhere down the track for sure. So yesterday I did my bi-annual re-stock of "must have or the world will collapse around me" items.
So I've tipped out the contents of my handbag to show you. Please note I have only just managed to jam my wallet shut as it's bursting with loose coins and receipts that I still haven't filed away.

Firstly, please don't judge me, and secondly yes, it's only panadol.
So here's my question. What's in your bag?
ETA Megan just reminded me. My sakittome bag also goes in here. It's still lying on the work surface from being used last night. I LOVE my reusable bag.