There are just some things that a KopyKake can't help you with.  I thought about this ALL day yesterday. 

Generally, I try never to make character cookies if I can help it.  They are REALLY stressful.  But when family asks...well *sigh* it's hard to say no.

Most characters aren't too too bad, but those Disney characters...well they are a doozie!

I have been stressing about these for over a week and have been very vocal about it.  Actually, if I had kept my big mouth closed, I might have just let this set fade into history...

But since I didn't, and all my pals have been asking me about them, here they are...


Not AWFUL, but not as good as I wanted them to be.  I guess there is a reason Disney animators make the big bucks.  Your everyday average Josephine cannot do Disney {that would be me}.

When I was finished, they looked a little flat to me, and after a little trouble shooting session with a cookie friend, I added one little line that really made a lot of difference.

*For the record, in MOST cases, that's a TERRIBLE idea.  Generally, when it comes to recreating characters as cookies, it's good to learn when to let things go...the more you mess with them, they more likely you are to goof up!*

Take Rapunzel, for example. Her was fine.  But as always, I could not leave it alone. I kept adding and adding, and as I did, the worse it got. So I just stopped, before I really messed up. Those noses are something else!

In the end, the important thing is that I tried, and that Jayda liked them.  I always call it a success if a child instantly recognizes who the cookie is supposed to be.

I am just glad they are done and I can breathe a sigh of relief and re-take my monthly VOW to NEVER agree to another set of Disney cookies, NO MATTER how cute my itty bitty cousin is!

PS-I only make this type of cookie for family and close friends. I have heard Disney gets kind of mad if you sell their licenced characters, so reserve these for fun family projects.