Mon - 9.5 miles (1,200'). Arthurs/Overlook. Easy.

Tues - Noon: 6 miles up tempo (500') on valley trails. 41:30. Still a little sore from Speedgoat, but pushed the run a bit anyway.
PM - 6.5 miles (1,200') easy with FCTR at Reservoir Ridge.

Wed - 9.5 miles (1,200'). Arthurs/Overlook. Easy

Thurs - Noon: 6 miles up tempo (500')
on valley trails. 39:25. Similar effort to Tuesday, but legs coming around. Still feeling kind of slow, but these workouts should help with the rolling section on the way to Barr Camp in a couple of weeks at Pikes.
PM: 6.5 social miles with the FCTR crew at Pineridge.

Fri - Noon: 5 miles (1,500') with Alistair to top of Horsetooth and back. Alistair hiked the whole way up and then ran (his choice) parts of the down and hiked the rest. He'll be four this Wednesday. Proud father.
PM: 6.5 miles (1,600') - Same route as with Alistair, but from home.

Sat - 15.5 miles (4,600'). Flattop, Hallett, Otis , Taylor, Andrews Glacier from Bear Lake TH.

Sun - 20 miles (4,200'). 3:20. Granite Pass (12,000') from Sprague Lake, then down Longs Peak Trail to Storm Pass and back to Sprague. Met early with Top American for this one and we went steady the whole way. The last mile or so up to Granite was hard work with a pretty heavy cross/head wind, but other than that the run was a lot of fun with a good mix of paces and some good BS'in. Dropped Top American towards the top of both climbs, but he claims to be lulling me into a false sense of security for the big showdown in two weeks. We'll see. Ran with a couple of moose through the woods in the early going, which added a little fauna fun to the morning.

Total: 91 miles (16,500')

Week ended up being right about where I wanted it, with a couple of turnover sessions on rolling terrain complemented by some fun climb days at altitude over the weekend.

As Pikes is something of a goal race, I'll be looking to go easy over the next two weeks in a bid to regain some zip and freshness after a really lackluster and confidence-denting run at Speedgoat last weekend. I doubt I'll run much over 50 miles this coming week, but will still look to get some good turnover work in. Having had a good week this last week, I feel that the 3:5x goal for Pikes is back on the table and well within reach. For that to happen though, it will be essential that I get there rested and feeling fresh.