I love weekends like the one we just had. They are rare and in and of themselves, absolutely perfect. These rare days remind me that this is what REALLY matters. Actually, it's all that matters.
During those rare days I feel my anxieties ebbing away. I get excited about the unknown. The past, the irrelevant, the meaningless is washed out to sea, only to ebb back in on the Monday.
But for those two days
is where my head and heart is.
It's celebrating
by working my Junior Masterchefs to bake and then eat cake:
by enjoying the handmade baguettes lovingly baked and produced over three days by Poppa.
It's taking the offspring to the Swan Valley to enjoy ice-cream, some wine (for us) and letting them run around gardens wherever we go.
It's talking excitedly with my Husband about our future plans, where buoyed by the delicious food, yummy wine, the hassles of the changes are mere details that matter as much as the paper they are written on.
Perfect weekends are few and far between. And judging by the amount of food here, it's just as well! What did you get up to?