Today my product review and box break of 2007 UD/Fleer Goudey went up on I wrap it up like this:

Overall, I like this set and I think it's classic enough, right away, that collectors should have at least one card from it in their collection. That's why I've decided to trade these cards away. To you.

You read that right. I'm going to keep one or two, but that leaves 190 or so to trade away—one for one, one by one. I won't be picky on what you send me; any card will do. I'll be posting the trades, with card scans, on my blog.

It's true. I think this set is great; much better than the Play Ball set UD put out a few years ago. Everybody should have at least one card from this set. To help facilitate that, I'm going to trade mine away.

Here's how it will work. If you want a randomly selected card from the box I opened:

1. Email Me

2. I will email you my mailing address

3. You will mail me your card to trade (any card at all) and a SASE

4. When I receive your card in the mail, I will pair it with a randomly selected card from the box, scan the cards side by side and post them on The Baseball Card Blog

5. Using your provided SASE, I will mail you the UD Goudey card, plus a special Baseball Card Blog card

6. Good times will be had by all