This trade comes in from Brandon from Kokomo, Indiana.

Giving: Johnny Damon, #65
Getting: David Ortiz, 2007 Fleer Perfect 10

I'm convinced that Fleer's Perfect 10 insert set is one of the best inserts of the year, and this is after I've familiarized myself with Allen & Ginter and Goudey. My proclamation is based on one very simple principle: the designers at Upper Deck succeeded by limiting the use of gold foil. By restraining their foil-loving side, the gold acts more like gold leaf than a cheap foil. It makes for an elegant card. So what that the backs look like they were printed on a college freshman's free Lexmark inkjet printer?

Brandon writes: "I'm a huge yankkees [sic] fan so i was glad to get rid of one of my Red Sox cards." Gee, thanks Brandon. You know what? I'm glad to get rid of this Johnny Damon card. Enjoy.