This trade comes in from Dave in New York, New York.

Giving: Chase Utley, #76 (red back)
Getting: Doug Slaton, 2007 Topps Chrome (red or something)

I've been trying to keep the Goudey cards random, but when Doug wrote that he was a Phillies fan, living in New York, I thought he needed all the help he could get. The stack got a little shorter and out popped this card of Chase Utley.

Not quite sure what to make of this card I'm getting in return. I've never purchased a pack of Topps Chrome, but this one looks like the maniacal Topps pressmen put this one through the Heidelberg more times than necessary. It's also the first sequentially-numbered card I've ever received in a trade, so there's something. Shit...I've already dinged a corner putting it into a page with the other trade cards. Oh well.