Tis a Happy Happy day!!!

I slept in! Ooh goodness it feels...so...good...

I got an A on my first test evah...Had a midterm yesterday. Nooo idea. *shrugs* Shall wait and see!

I'm talking to Sarah and Gerrad and that's it. And they're cool.

I know that the article was way annoying Gerrad! That's why I put it up. Cause it's funny how mad it made me. Yay!

Heidi, I didn't put it up to be like "ewwwie, sex". I was just trying to show the stupidness. But sure yeah we'll make up something new and call it ....um...Possibly strongbad. And Heidi you should blog all the time. It makes me so happy! Like this ^___^. My eyes even become little triangles.

Zalina is coooooool. I'm gonna try to see Kill Bill today! Cause you said it was good. ANd since we agree on everything...it must be good! Right?...Right??

I like Matt's blog for many, many reasons. But! The most recent reason is just the other day I was telling my friend how I didn't even win the chance to play again. Pepsi's all in my face like...Whaaaat, and I'm all like pssssh whatevah. Hehe I was talking like that at york the other day...you should have seen the looks these two chicas gave me. Soooo funny.

Today Rasia and Geoff (her friend) are coming to get me and we're going out. Tis my first Saturday off in a while and I"m sooo excited! ohmygosh how cool is that. And heeey...I'm off on next Friday so I may come home to Bramptonia ...uh...so..if anyone wanted to...do anything...with..me included...ness...yeahuh?

And Sarah! Coming Thursday! WOOOOOOOOOooooOOOoooOOoooOoooOoooo!

The End.