8:04 AM BLOG!

Ah, lets see what to blog about.


I had a shower! Whoo and a hardy hooo!

Oh I can share about my dream!

I had the weirdest dream last night! Okay, I was at school and was selling all my old toys to make enough money to buy Christmas presents. It was 3:04PM and Megan said "Okay we better go to the van." And I said "Yup! Just give me a minute more, I have to sell a couple more toys." And off I ran to the gym. I finished selling my toys, and got a whopping $40.00! Then I decided to go to Christine's locker..I'm not sure why...Anyhoo, I was in the stairwell with the windows? Uh no the big one, but the one down the hall from Christine's locker? Anyways, Speller was with me and I said "Oh Shoot I better hurry!" And I smashed the window and stood on the ledge. Speller looked at me like "Uh..What?" and I explained "Oh don't worry, I'm a ghost hunter, all ghost hunters can fly silly head." Then I thought 'Wait..when was the last time I flew?' So I then stepped down from the window and raaaaan as fast as I could to Megan's van. It was 4:00 by this time and Megan and her family were still waiting for me! AHHH! I felt so horrible for making them wait that I got out of the van and started running home. Then I woke up. Stupid dreams! I woke up feeling soooo guilty! Dah well, I better actually go wait for the van now! Or else it'll all come true! Cept the flying part. I can fly.