I don't blog a lot eh...Think you all blog more eh...*pulls out blogging sword* Pow! Pow!
I was sick yesterday, as mentioned numerous times by my many fan club members. *closes eyes and covers ears* I can't hear you! Lalalala.
It's very late and I'm bloggin. Another sign of my blogaholicism.
I just finished the fourth Harry Potter book. I love Dumbledore.
Guess what? I am the runner up in the story contest. *grins sheepishly*
I don't blog a lot. I think this is so because I talk a lot. And I mean A LOT. So by the time I come to blogger all my fun little stories are dead. Dead and destroyed.
Eek parents are saying "Who's on the computer?" " Not Amy, surely. We told her to go to bed hours ago" "Well maybe a person broke into the house, and disguised themselves as Amy..." "Of course! I bet if we wait a few moments they will leave hastily."

Think they're trying to tell me something?