Ah ha! Blogger tried to stop me from blogging!! But I have defeated it!

Anyhoo, I'm being bribed to blog. Honestly people this should have been thought up a lot sooner. I blog for pictures.

Guess what? I dunno either...wait! This blog sucks lets start over!
Hi! It's me, myself! I got my report card today, very pleased. Eep! I'm talking to someone on ICQ right now and I disagreed with them. Oh they're calling me stupid now. Hehehehe I just keep laughing! It's highly amusing!

Oh the funniest thing happened in F&N yesterday!! There's this girl named Ruby and she doesn't like me. Well yesterday I was sitting in class and the girl who sits across from me was eating this odd rice and beans thing that looked a lot like gravel, or rocks. Ruby asked what she was eating and I responded with "Rocks, you know gravel." Because that's how I respond to questions. She gave me a confused look then. I turned to the girl sitting next to me and said "I just love confusing people" and turned back to Ruby. Anyways, to make a long story longer, Ruby thought I did the finger twirly crazy thing at her. I said "Um no, I stopped that in at least grade 4." But no, no. She just goes on and on. I was rather amused by the whole thing.

What else....Ah! My math teacher is so the person I want to become. Minus the math. I swear this guy is so funny. He never gets mad, he's funny and he doesn't care if people laugh at him. Dude!

Oh here's my results to the cool test thingy from Firefly's Blog.
# 1 Suzume
# 2 Soren Daly
# 3 Ni
# 4 Emi/Reiko
# 5 Marcus Bennett
# 6 Utada Nozomi
# 7 Pyon
# 8 Caine
# 9 Candra Bennett
# 10 Lawrence "Laurie" Henley
# 11 Makoto
# 12 Setsuko Takarada
# 13 Hayashi Misaki
# 14 Mithras
# 15 Sammael/Sam
# 16 Kazeno Kita
# 17 Ophelia Sorise
# 18 Orion
# 19 Wasureta Shinji
# 20 Tohru
# 21 Alex
# 22 Lee Mason
# 23 Lian Kannel
# 24 Scott Hastings
# 25 Gabriel Brinley

Yup! Ni all the way!
I finished the third Harry Potter book!! *does the wave* It's very good. I almost regret not reading it when I was first orde....I mean recommended too. I was trying to be a rebel you see, the whole world was telling me to read it so I refused too. How stupid really...Ah well! Harry all the way! Tho I must say I love Lee Jordon. He's not even a major character and yet I adore him. And Neville, simply because I feel so horrible for Neville. And George and Fred, I love them too...I mustn't name any more characters though, I'd become to much of a player. No really. Stop laughing! I demand of thee! I cast thy enemy away!
Hmmm what else. Oh I made a Sim family like my own. My mom likes to drink apparently, and my dad wont get out of the pool. I'm perfect of course...
Well I believe I'm done for now! Notting Hill is very sad. And not just because of the acting. No! I like this movie! I mustn't insult it! Eep! Me stop blogging now....