Hey Heidi, Megan, Zalina and I all have blogs!! I suggest we start a gang. We'll threaten people with blogging type weapons. Like point > or curfy ?. What do ya say? Join! I said Join!!
Baahahaha. So what to blog about.....well School's still the same, cept I'm not doing that well in Math. I'm not doing terrible mind you but I really need to keep that mark up since it's my hardest class. Dan's turning into someone else and I said it was weird, needless to say he's mad at me. Hmmm my tv has over 900 channels now, it takes me forever to find the right show.
I'm eating a grape! Oh the hyjinks!
Oh guess what? I met all these nice folk in a x-files chat room. I'm not one for chat rooms because they're generally boring and people talking about stupid things but these people are cool. I've written three fanfics with them and they all say that I should be a comedian. It's so swell when people compliment you. Okay that's bout it. Ta ta for now!