I'm not sad.
I'm sorry my last blog was ever so sad. I'm never going to be sad and blog about it again. Being sad makes other people sad, and that is the last thing I ever want to do.
My best friend Meg's sempai is very nice. She's nice with a capital N.
I've got an iq (icq heehee) of 122 on emode, or 133 at iqtest. Either way I'm not as stupid as I look, or act. I do wish I was smarter but everyone wishes they could change something about themselves. If they didn't, why We'd have a world of happy people. Who wants that? ;-) Anyhoo, I'm doing homework that I was supposed to do last night, but didn't. I could have done it today, it being a snow day, but I didn't. How do i get high marks? Tis an x-fil!!!!