I'm trying to figure out how this happened. Firstly I should explain I'm not a huge fan of candy canes. Eating them, that is. I like looking at them, who doesn't like the shiny red and white look of them? But I'd rather eat something else. Which is probably why I don't understand why my children are OBSESSED with eating the things.
And even more puzzling is why I got into the situation where I have THREE HUNDRED CANDY CANES in my house.
Yes you read that right.
Well it all began, as it usually does, in a small house in a dark forest....
Actually it began with a rescue mission to find a white t'shirt for my son on a Monday after school with all 3 offspring in tow. His had somehow gone missing at school and it was for his Christmas project and I needed to replace it urgently. Naturally, because I needed one, there were none to be found anywhere. I dragged three increasingly annoyed kids from store to store to find a t'shirt that had clearly sold out, as I am sure many schools are doing similar projects. I'd even felt a bit smug when I'd bought him one initially as soon as the project was announced. Murphy's Law anyone?
In the end Mr. Small, who I had wisely put in the stroller, lost his marbles somewhere between the kids clothing section and the Christmas decoration department. I mean the meltdown from hell, the whole schmozzle. In a vain effort to distract him I picked up a container of candy canes.
100 candy canes to be precise. for five dollars
I don't know why I didn't snatch at the tinsel or shiny baubles or something else, but I was tired. I was a desperate woman. I had suffered enough.
He clutched at the container like a drowning man does to a life raft. I gently tried to take it back and he would Not. Let. Go.
Then Miss Medium looked at me plaintively and before I knew it she was holding a container of 100 candy canes as well.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and sighed. I knew what was coming. "Ok Mr. Large, here's yours."
And so here they sit, 300 candy canes (minus the ones they've already eaten)
At least they're miniature ones I guess.
Have you ever caved in out of desperation?