I hear you. We all hear you. You all know we are constantly tweaking the site to make it easier to use and still highly functional. The New Release page redesign is one step towards the idealized presenting new releases. All I can say is that you have always been very constructive and supportive as we iterated on the Community features (remember how those pages began changing this past summer? Aren't they better now? Aren't they still improving?) I hope you'll give the other teams here the same benefit of the doubt while they work on things. In the meantime, don't forget that you can always get a feed of the movies releasing this week via RSS:


Feel free to post your feedback here. We read 'em all.

I noticed that Tygger is making a desperate and valiant attempt to save you all from the site redesign. He found this link, which apparently is the missing page:


At some personal risk, I reprint this link here; Please note- the fact that it is accessible now does not necessarily mean it will remain there, but on this sunday morning (and in the spirit of the holiday season) I present it.

Since my job is to build features that involve the "Community" -- and this page is not part of my job description (although i assure you that those who matter are reading all of your notes) -- what i am able to do is to hear your comments about the failures of the RSS feed, for THAT is part of my job. If it is lousy then that is my fault. I will work to get an ADD TO QUEUE button to be part of it - that should help. What else?

Anyway, please continue to voice your concerns here, or with customer service, as you feel the need.


Enterprising members have created a formal petition:


As I've said before, I don't know what kind of response would be required for Netflix to make immediate changes - is it 100 or a million? for instance - and your comments here may be totally sufficient to effect change (that is, you may not need a petition to get our attention. I think you've got it). And remember, i don't think anyone considers the new release areas "done" anyway; regardless of your comments and petition, i believe work will continue to adjust these areas. But as a PM who is responsible for "community" I cannot but encourage you all to do what you must. Anyway, a petition can't hurt.