Shhhh. Hi, I have to be really quiet because the clone is trying to get me.

I said shhh stop swearing!

Ya see at school today, the clone's crush was in the area, and this gal came up and hugged him and I started laughing. She's going to use her clone powers! I just know she is. Be afraid very afraid.

My bestestestestest friend Speller wasn't here today. The bus stop just isn't as fun with out her.

My bestestestestest friend Meg didn't meet me at my locker. It isn't a big thing, cept that I like walking with her to the area we eat lunch at, so I can just talk to her, and when I didn't see her I was sad. Then when I got to my lunch area I was p-oed. I don't think it showed...much. But then I started doing my thinking and I thought boy am I stupid. I get upset over stupid things. And I hardly ever get upset. Figure that out boys and girls.

We played truth or dare, and the clone wouldn't play. Stupid clone.

I played and I was asked "Who do you like?" I said "A guy" Nuff said there.

Then the Devil wouldn't choose Truth stupid Devil. He doesn't want us to know the horrible truth, about him being the devils advocate. Which we all know is very stupid.

This guy who the clone likes, is very cute. He has very nice fashion sense. I feel like sharing okay? OKAY?

Ya know what else I noticed? That when that person was around, the clone took of her glasses. I just think its funny.

This isn't a funny blog, its just a blog. I'm going to call Speller unless some of my friends come online.

Speller GREAT job on the song!!! Your like a genius!! A slow-witted GENIUS! When you die (which won't happen until I pay those darn maffia guys, stupid guys 9.99 is pricey.) the scientists are going to cut open your brain and then make grade tens write a literacy test on it. I know the truth.

Well I'm off, not offline just off the whole writing thang.

Ta ta,

Orange juice, watches, and lamps. The connection is obvious this time folks.
