Mon - 5 miles (1,000'). Horsetooth/Falls.

Tues - 6 miles (1,200'). Reservoir Ridge with FCTR.

Weds - 8.5 miles (2,200'). Horsetooth/Audra.

Thurs - 5 miles (1,000'). Horsetooth/Falls.

Fri/Sat - 30 miles (10,000'). Pace Hardrock.

Sun - Off.

Total: 54.5 (15,400').

Hardrock seemed to take a little more out of me than planned, or I should probably say that I was a little less recovered from Western States than I thought, especially on the downs, and now the hip flexors seem a little tight.

Anyway, onwards to Pikes from here. First test comes this Sunday at the Barr Trail race which goes half way up the mountain to Barr Camp and then straight back down for close to 12.5 miles and 3,600' of climbing. I'm not expecting anything too earth shattering, but I am of course hoping to get a good workout in. This is probably the most competitive short-course mountain race in Colorado, which makes it one of the most competitive short-course races in the country, so a top 10 finish will definitely be a result. According to Justin's RunColo preview, I will not be a factor, but I'm imagining that at least a couple of the guys he's picked for top 10 spots won't get to the start line, and even if they all do I still think I'll be in the mix for the 10 spot. We'll see.

I pushed a few of the climbs this week in training, and generally felt pretty decent. I'll definitely need time to warm up at Barr Trail, so plan to go out easy and work up to race pace and then chew up the down.

Towers Road Handicap TT this Thursday at 6:00pm from the Horsetooth lower lot (Soderberg) if any out-of-towners (or in-towners for that matter) feel like putting in an appearance. Details here.