I am up to my armpits in trying to pack for our Indonesian Adventure today, so my little Blahg has been hijacked by Rambling Mamma Lori from RRSAHM. And please be aware there is some blue language, but I have no time to edit it down, because if I did then there would be no post left.
Lori is an Aussie Mum Blogger Superstar. If you have not already hitched your wagon to the Random Train, click over to see what all the jellybean fuss is about. She is the real deal.

Serious language warning for this one, folks. Like, seriously serious. The c-word type serious. Don't hate mail me. You have been warned.

Top o' the language warning to y'all,

OK. Just this evening A while back now, the Man happened to be perusing EBay. It's one of his favorite activities. As I've said before on Twitter, EBay needs a big scary door-bitch that thinks like a wife.

Anyway. This evening On that night, a while ago, the Man happened to do an EBay search for the word 'c**t'. He was actually looking for... well... I'm not sure what he was actually looking for, and that point seems fairly defunct* **. What he found was this.

Annnnnd.. an anti-climax because it's highly probable that link is no longer working because this post has quite probably been sitting in my drafts folder for about three freaking weeks now because that's how I roll, mmmkay?

Whatever. Aren't you lucky I took a screen shot?

And then cropped that screen shot, to save your poor ineffective nanna eyes from squinting? (Whaddya mean, not... really?)

Yuhuh. This would be a book called "C**t". A feminist book. Taking back the word. I'm down with that. It's not a word I particularly want back, but whatever tickles your pickle.

The bit that really caught my eye, so to speak, was this quote from Bust magazine, God bless their little glossy-print socks.

"C**t does for feminism what smoothies did for high-fiber dietsit.."

Really? Really? I mean, even without the typo, really?

I think someones taking the p*ss.

*Take a good,long look at that word.... looks perverted, now, doesn't it?

** So to speak. If you know what I mean. See above*.

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