It's been a week where the letter B has dominated. yes it's only Tuesday but it's been very busy
Firstly B for baby. The week began with the wonderful and much anticipated news that I became a proud auntie again, coincidentally to a baby whose name actually begins with B. I can't wait to cuddle kidnap my new nephew because even though texted photos are great NOTHING beats a tender cuddle with a newborn baby.
Part B was meeting the gorgeous and talented Belle Bijoux and becoming the proud owner of a new bag. It's PINK people. P.I.N.K. No more black for me for a while. And given its size I suspect this bag will be dominating my landscape for some time to come.

It meant a great night out with a couple of my besties and the sheer thrill of sipping wine and cooing over bags for the better part of a Monday evening. Which given I managed to skip the dinner, bathtime, bedtime routine made the day infinitely more exciting.
I also met up with the talented Alecia Hancock whose name does not begin with B but I've loved her blog for a while and it's so worth a visit.
In addition to all these events there was a birthday for my husband which involved catching up with some wonderful friends.
And an interview/meeting which proved quite interesting and indicates that 2011 is going to be a pretty busy one for me. But I think I knew that would be the case anyway. Whenever it feels like I'm getting overwhelmed I remember my parents mantra growing up: "Family First." No, not a political movement but the knowledge that the family unit comes in the forefront of everything else. And so while I strive for balance I'm looking forward to the thrill of the unknown at the same time.
At least this role is a subject close to my heart. Fine food.
Yes I know.
All this and it's only Tuesday.
What have you been up to this week?