Recently I have been thinking ALOT about the cycle of life, and one thing I have been trying to make peace with is that there is no apparent rhyme or reason to it.

 I still don't understand why a mother at the school my son goes to, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has three children, the eldest has Down Syndrome. This is just one of the many, many examples I could give. Sweet Isaac's story is another 

However, instead of getting mired in the sadness of it all, which would be all too easy to do it has made me only too aware of the importance of really celebrating and enjoying the precious moments of happiness we have.

So I am celebrating finishing yr 12 tutoring for the year. I am celebrating enjoying entering my competitions again. Most importantly every time my youngest cries and raises his pudgy arms to me for a cuddle, I embrace him wholeheartedly. I marvel at connecting with a student of mine from years ago in the most unbelievable way, and doing my best to honour her story and the wonderful work she does for bereaved families.

I know how blessed I am with my family (more on them another time) the fact that having spent so many years worrying about what people think, I walked away from it all and found joy. Leaving my job was one of the hardest things I ever did, but instead I found a rewarding career and created a beautiful baby. How lucky am I?

This has been a rather reflective post, but I guess that's where I am at today. Maybe tomorrow some humour, or even useful tips on toy sales (my current obsession in the lead up to Christmas!)