This summer, I subscribed to a CSA, and have been receiving baskets of locally grown organic produce every other week. For various reasons, I have decided not to continue my subscription, and today I received my final basket. I was cutting up some of the veggies to use in our dinner, and found a few live insects.

This tiny little weevil was inside a yellow bell pepper. It was about the size of a sesame seed.

I took this picture outside because the light was better, and then I put the tiny beetle on a plant, where it promptly opened its wings and flew away.

There was a huge tomato whose form basically made 3 "lobes". As I cut one lobe off where it met the stem, these teeny-tiny green bugs came running out. I have seen them on tomato stems before, but I don't know what they are. One thing, they made my bell-pepper weevil look big!

They were sort of like aphids, only not so soft-looking, and they were much faster moving. They were hard to focus on. I thought this was an interesting shot, the little bugger turning his back on me, walking on the shiny wet surface of a tomato slice.