With most of the world's people facing the catastrophic fallout of the worst US presidency in history and the now undeniable threats facing the Earth's environment, there seems to be an almost universally shared sense of flux, change and uncertainty.  As unpleasant as that might feel, it's also a needed and necessary good that can clear the way towards real change and a new way of looking at the shared problems that, together, we desperately need to solve. 

So, following the themes of responsibility and action that I've outlined over the past several months, I hope you'll follow me on my next path.  Vancouver is coming up to a municipal election on November 15th, and I'm happy to announce that I'll be running the online campaign for mayoral candidate Gregor Robertson and the Vision Vancouver party.  

For those unfamiliar with the local business and political scene, Gregor Robertson is a progressive Vancouver businessman who first rose to prominence by creating an immensely successful national business based on organic foods, sustainability and fair trade called Happy Planet.  When the provincial "Liberal" government swept to power and promptly eliminated the Ministry of the Environment, Gregor made the decision to enter politics.

He was elected as a provincial MLA in 2005, where he served until this year.  In the wake of outgoing mayor Sam Sullivan's atrocious legacy of homelessness, self serving politics, and social apathy, Gregor stepped down from his office in the provincial government to enter the mayor's race.  

After meeting him in person I can gladly say he lives up to every expectation.  He's honest, passionate, and is running a leadership fueled, Obama-style campaign for change.  

For the past three weeks I've been helping to launch the Vision Vancouver campaign website with my friend and colleague Jason Mogus from the Webby award winning Communicopia and the talented shop of Agentic Communications.  The site is now live, and from now through November 15th I'll be be driving all online campaign communications and working to elect a truly progressive government to Vancouver City Hall.

You can follow me during the election on the Vision Blog, our Facebook group, or get on the ground updates from Gregor Robertson on his Twitter feed.  I'll also be offering an inside peek at the campaign here at The Conscious Earth.  I hope you join us.