Buck up, all you lowly Mets fans lurking out there, tonight's the first night of the off-season. And you know what that means: it's time to fire up the old hot stove. Last year you guys found the marble in the oatmeal and got to drink from the fire hose (ie, kept Johan Santana away from the Yankees and Red Sox), and next year you'll get your new stadium. So thinks aren't all that bad, right?

I mean, in 50 years who will remember how your team choked down the stretch not just once, but two years in a row? And I think it's safe to say that history will forget how Carlos Beltran took a called third strike to knock the Mets out of the playoffs that other year, right?

Lederhosen Lucil - You Suck
Koufax - Roll the Dice

NEW to The Baseball Card Blog: MP3 files to sum up the mood. Links to MP3 files will be active for a limited time and MP3's are meant for review purposes only. I encourage you to support these artists and purchase their music.