It's hard to believe that it's seven years already, but on this day, May 11th 2001, Douglas Adams passed away. May 25th will see "Towel Day 2008" when you are invited to join your fellow hitch hikers in mourning the loss of the late great one. To show your appreciation for the humor and insight that Douglas Adams brought to all our lives, just carry your towel with you throughout the day to show your participation and mourning. I'll be at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the 92nd Indy 500 so a towel could well be the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have at such an event. Knowing my luck, it will rain...

It truly is an international event, as this mad video from last year's celebration in Augsburg, Germany proves.

YouTube contributer basti0007 writes...
As Adams was always a friend of international understanding, we combined the Towel Day with the Japanese Algorithm March and danced it with Towels (and myself in a bathrobe).