Just a quick note.

When you post comments that involve a problem you are having on your Netflix experience, or something odd that is happening, or anything you think we should investigate, we need to know who you are in order to look into it. It is unwise to post your email address in this public forum, and it doesn't really help us that much anyway. What we need is your customer ID. You can grab an encoded version of this by (a) go to the Community tab, then (b) click on your Profile tab in the sidebar. The URL includes the info we need. It's suitably useless to anyone else such that it doesn't jeopardize your privacy or security by posting it (and messing with these only makes for some odd screen anomalies, but no data risk). The full URL should look something like this (this is mine):


What we need is the prid=30381689 part.

Just to manage your expectations, this is no guarantee that we will be able to help -- and remember, the blog is NOT customer service, we're the engineering teams, but since many of you find bugs for us, this would really help in the research. It's up to you.

This has come up periodically over the past many months and i hope this will be the definitive source here.