This trade comes in from David in Alexandria, Virginia.

Giving: Michael Cuddyer, #134 (red back)
Getting: Jack Kubiszyn, 1979 TCMA All-Time Indians

You know, I'm not entirely sure that this card of Kubiszyn is from the All-Time Indians set. I don't have my SCD Catalog with me, so if someone else knows where this card is from, please leave a comment.

So I'm just going to assume it's from that set. And the fun thing about All-Time sets is that they include everybody. It's something that I wish one of the major manufacturers would make soon for all the teams. I'd think it would be a regional best-seller: in Boston it would be a 1,000 card set of Red Sox, with each guy from each year's roster included. They could even include a different card of each player for each year, in that year's style of baseball card. So there would be at least 23 different cards of Yaz (one for each year, 1960 to 1983), plus special team leaders and postseason cards. And it would be a field day for their designers, as new designs would be needed for those years that didn't have cards. This kind of set could be distributed in packs and then in a monster factory set, just in time for the holidays.