This trade comes in from Robert in Walpole, Massachusetts.

Giving: Carlos Lee, #23 (red back)
Getting: Pascual Perez, 1982 Topps

Is this Pascual Perez card not the greatest of the twentieth century? All right, that may be leaning slightly to the extreme, but seriously, it is, right? Check out the letter by letter signature (what penmanship!). The simple mime of hands clasping air as if they were working a baseball (the man's a true Method actor). Not to mention that he wears the ridiculous early-Eighties Pirates uniform as naturally as flip flops and a sarong. But the one thing that truly makes this card one of the best is the bizarre drive-in movie screen in the background, like Perez owns a drive in theater in the off-season (I bet he only shows romantic comedies, because Pascual's a lover, not a fighter, baby).