Discovery Channel's blog Quest: Mountain Gorillas is an excellent resource for learning more about the work being done Dr. Lucy Spelman who has been working with Rwanda's Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project since 2006.

Lucy's most recent entry is a welcome bit of news on gorilla orphan Ndakasi, who has been fighting a severe illness.

Thirty-six hours later I returned to the DRC. This time I was all smiles at the border crossing. In broken French, I explained to the customs officials that the baby gorilla was better. She'd taken her first bottle at 3 a.m. the night before and had continued to drink small amounts of milk throughout the day. When I'd made the crossing earlier in the week, the officials had laughed incredulously at the idea of treating a baby gorilla. But now they were curious about her. They nodded and smiled back at the good news.