The Conservatives have reached out to the Green Party and will announce today that Deputy Green leader David Chernushenko will join the National Roundtable on Environment and the Economy, a panel that advises Ottawa on environmental policy.

CTV news is reporting that Rona Ambrose will make the announcement later today in an effort by the government to deflect the overwhelming criticism they have received following the release of their environmental plan.

The Federal Green Party has nearly doubled its voter support since January, moving from 5% on January 23rd to more than 9% now, and today's move will usher them into the forefront of Canadian politics. However, working with the Conservatives will be a challenge, and the Greens will need to establish their environmental priorities up front. Otherwise they will risk losing any political momentum they have gained by appearing as a political pawn for the ruling Tories.

Video clip available at the CTV link.