This is from an Email I sent my buddy Erin. It tells the story.

So I wake up at 10 O'clock Wednesday afternoon...Make my bed, get my books all together, have a nice shower and go downstairs into the kitchen.

It's about 10:50 when I get downstairs. I see there's dishes int the sink, so I take my watch off to do them. My Aunt comes into the kitchen and sits down at the table and asks if I have my house key. I'm like "yeah! I haven't lost it" and she's like

"No your key to your house with your parents."

"Oh yeah, I think so. Why?"

"I think you should go home tonight."

"Why? Did something happen to my brother?"

"No. It's just not working."

"What isn't?"

"You're just not working out here."

*tears up* "Aunt Karen I'm going to get you your money, today! I was just going to put my chequie in the bank..."

"It's not about the money was never about the money. You're just not ready to move out."


"You're irresponsible. You left the iron on, and the stove on last night."

"I didn't know the stove was on!"

"Why do you think your food was hot then?"

"Because you had just eaten?"

"Be realistic about this Amy. You're immature. Every time we leave I'm so afraid you're going to do something wrong."

"But I always lock the door and feed Sadie!" (the dog).

"Your whole attitude has changed...."

"I've been so busy with school."

"Then maybe you'll concentrate better at home."

"I concentrate better here..."

"We're tired of babysitting you Amy."

This is where I suddenly saw my Aunt for what she is. And While I'm pretty much sobbing, I started to laugh, this really unnatural laugh. Not because it was funny, but because it just didn't make any sense.

"See, you're not even taking this serious. You're laughing."

"So you're kicking me out."

"I'm not kicking you out...." I think she wanted to say I was kicking myself out. But she just trailed off as I looked at her with shock.

"You upset your cousin and your don't do your responsibilities!" ...I wish I could convey how harsh her voice had now become.

"I love Arlene!"

"Well Kim told her that you thought she didn't like you."

"When we were kids!"

"Well, whatever. How do you think it made her feel that you wouldn't talk to her about that?"

"I never meant to hurt Arlene...."

"And you talk back to your Uncle."

*shock* "I talked back to Uncle Mike? When?!"

"Last night when he was asking you what would you do if we were gone and not working the same schedule as Arlene. You said you had a lot of friends."

"I was trying to reassure him that you guys didn't have to worry!"

"Well that's not how it sounded. And plus you said "What would Arlene do" if she didn't have a car."

"That's because I didn't know what she would do! Maybe she knew a bus route or something!"

"Well that's not how it sounded."

"Okay...Okay...Okay" Trying to calm self down. "Things are getting miscontrued. And there's misunderstandings...How, how am I going to get home?"

"I already spoke to your parents"

"So they know you're kicking me out?"


"Did you even look for that key you lost?"

"Of course!"

"Did you ever find it?"

"No.....You've never lost a key?"

"Not one I've never found"

"I have to catch my bus."

"Take as much as you can with you."

Runs upstairs and in the hysteria takes floss. This is pretty much what I was saying as I tried to get things together.

"Okay...Okay...shh....Amy it's ok. Everything's okay...Shhhshhh don't cry. Stop crying. You're going to miss your bus...shhhh" But it came through in broken sobs. For some reason I took Arlene's old watch off and put it on the bathroom sink saying "This isn't even my watch! I'll put it here...Arlene'll find it..."

Then I went back dowstairs, STILL sobbing, as my Aunt sits at the kitchen table, not getting up.

I'm carrying my over stuffed back pack, few notebooks when I open up the closet. My coat isn't coat. My Aunt and Uncle bought it for me. The amount of anguish that filled my heart is indesribable. I called to my Aunt

"Can..can..can I take my jacket?" (FYI I use to have a stuttering problem when I was really little, and I lapse).

"Of course you can take your jacket. Do you have your house key?"

"To this house? Yes."

"Leave it here."

"I'm not going to try to break in or anything!"

"I need it, leave it here."

So I rummage through my bag and fling it onto the hall table and pretty much run out the door.

I walked to my bus stop sobbing and I called my best friend Speller, my friend in Nevada, and Niloo. Leaving very hysterical messages. I also called Arlene apologizing for ever upsetting her ever.

I get to the bus stop and get on the bus, still sobbing uncontrollably.

Get to school, beginning to clean myself up.

Find Niloo in the hall...Start crying hysterically again...Niloo is so great Erin. Seriously. If she hadn't been there, I probably would have thrown myself infront of a mob of freshmen or something. Niloo went to class, found my friends. Much comforting, still more crying. Went to get something to eat (she kicked me out before I could eat food).

Am walking outside when I hear a voice behind me. Kim! By this point I know it was Kim that told Arlene something I told Kim in confidence. I start on Kim...I'm like..."Hi *bursts into tears*". Chatty chatty.

Somehow Rasia and Geoff (two new friends who I adore) find us, so I'm explaining it all to more people....*phew* It's all with the crazy.

Then I had to study for a huge test that I had that day....and I tried to be strong...But sometimes my little head would start reflecting back the mean things my Aunt said..and the..tears...

I went home to Bramptonia that night where I told the story, again.

Seems the plan is I live here at home and on Monday's I crash at my pal Rasia's to make it for my early Tuesday class. You know how I can't work at the Outback no more....*sigh* I'm really gonna miss you guys.

Oh, and when Arlene got my message she called her mom and was like "Why would Amy call me crying?" and my Aunt was like "cause I kicked her out" and now they're kinda fighting because Arlene can understand why they kicked me out (*shrugs*) but she thinks they should havegiven me more time to like, give two weeks notice to work, maybe go through midterms...Instead of like, throwing me out. So I'm not mad with Alrene...and she aid she was never, ever mad at me. And she liked me. She does agree that I'm immature though.

Now, I'm not the type of person who really thinks that highly of themselves...but I know I'm not immature. I act like a little kid sometimes because it makes me happy, and it makes people around me happy. I'm not immature, I just know what a loss it is to act all "mature" all the time. But that's okay.

Hmm what else...

Oh oh! Niloo is like..the nicest ever. Dude, she remembered how I put my watch off at the house and so she got me one of her old watches to wear....Like..dude. So nice. Everyone has been so nice to me...It's crazy. In like the nicest way possible.

So yeah, that was my adventure.