Oh, and I'm having the worse time selling my game effectively. It's cause like...When I see a little kid, I know that if I smile at them or show them a prize they will want to play the game. They will beg their parents to let them play. They will scream and plead their parents to let them play. I should be like "Whoo! Money for the park!" But instead I don't want them to play, because I know they won't win for sure. I hate getting a kid to play, and then them not winning. Like today I made this whole little story up with this 9 year old boy about how the giant panda bears feel really lonely because no one chooses them. He was so nice and imaginative and then he played the game...And he lost. I seriously wanted to give him his money back. Or give him a prize. I didn't, of course, but I really wanted to. I love my job, and I know this may make it look like I hate it or something..but I don't. Grrr I'm sorry to ya'll for complaining so much...Oh but hey! I got new shorts and sandals...They're snazzy ~_~