Ah, I had the best weekend ever! I lived at Megan's house! No, I did. I went to her house after school on Friday, and stayed there until eleven PM last night. Her poor, poor family. I ate their food, used their computer, used their tv, bugged their daughters, and stole a keyboard. Ah, but it was fun! I got to hang out with three very super duperly cool people! And yelled at Dan on the phone. A full two days I must say. Oooh that rhymed.

I miss JHeaton. I haven't spoken to him in over a week.

I finger painted in Parenting class! I made a Fish!

Hmmm....I hate going to people's houses. Why? Cause now I miss being with my friends!

I played Ragnark! It's super duperly fun! Cept I'm not at all strong and kept losing, but being Megan is fun! I had admirerererererers and got to kill birds. And I got to see Slayers, which was really, really fun! I never knew I liked Slayers, and now, now I do. The movie was very cool! But some people needed shirts.

Hmm what else to say....I'm on the Field Hockey team! Which is cool! Cept, I'm not very good and now I'm all afraid to be on the team anymore. I mean, some people are really good on our team who have never played before *coughjuliecough* and I played in grade 8! I suck. I'm gonna make the whole team lose, I just know it. Ah, oh btw, on Thursday we had our first game and we won! Yay! We have another game this thursday. Which is cool, because it's a very, very special day. If you don't know why you will be receiving beatings very soon.

Stealing this from The Others

I feel: slightly scared

I see: my typing

I need: to blog

I find: my water bottle

I want: people to be happy

I have: a craving for pretzels

I wish: I was somewhere else

I love: my friends and family

I hate: people who are mean to others

I fear: having no future

I hear: my aunt yelling.

I crave: pretzels

I regret: bugging Megan's family

When was the last time you.........

Smiled?: when my mom asked what time I got home from Megan's house last night.

Laughed? when she laughed because I tried to distract her with the new keyboard.

Cried? while watching Slayers yesterday

Bought something? Chocolate Milk on Friday

Danced? To long ago to remember. I can't dance.

Were sarcastic? Prolly yesterday

Kissed someone? Other then a family member? Nope never.

Talked to an ex? Sixth Grade.

Watched your favorite movie? I keep changing my favourite movie every time I see a movie! So uh...Sometime in the past.

Had a nightmare? Last night

A Last time for everything...

Last book you read: 'Paddy Clarke ha ha!'

Last movie you saw: Slayers yesterday :)

Last song you heard:

Last thing you had to drink: Orange Juice

Last time you showered: Friday morning.

Last thing you ate: Eggos!

Do You...

Smoke? Noooooooooooooooo

Do drugs? Hmm....Noooooooooo

Sleep with stuffed animals? Nope

Live in the moment? Most of the time.

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope, I'd like one though. All applicants can call 1-800-DESP-ERATE

Have a dream that keeps coming back? Not really.

Play an instrument? I can sorta play three.

Believe there is life on other planets? Yes.

Remember your first love? Does it have to be a two-way thing to be love? Cause then no.

Still love him/her? Uh....Line?

Read the newspaper? Yup.

Believe in miracles? Sometimes.

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Hmm, well if I get bored with Seth Green, and then Heath came over...no...but if it's Mulder then yes.

Consider yourself tolerant of others? Almost all people.

Consider love a mistake? Sometimes.

Like the taste of alcohol? EW no! I couldn't even eat rum cake.

Have a favorite candy? Nope. I'm picky, in a not so picky way.

Believe in astrology? Not really.

Believe in magic? Hardly ever.

Believe in God? Yes.

Pray? When someone's in trouble. Like the world.

Go to church? Not regularly. Only when a friend invites me.

Have any secrets? Only my thoughts.

Have any pets? A kitty, two gerbies, and Dan.

Do well in school? If I like the class.

Go to or plan to go to college? Planning on it. Probably won't.

Have a major? No idea. Maybe psych...

Talk to strangers who instant message you? Yup. I am right now actually.

Wear hats? Yup...I am right now. A blue Jays hat. Even though they SUCK!

Have any piercings? None at all.

Have any tattoos? None at all. But one day, I'm going to get the WHOLE world.

Hate yourself? Most of the time.

Have an obsession? X-Files, Harvest Moon, The Sims, and my friends.

Collect anything? Not really. Maybe notes.

Have a best friend? I do! And I couldn't be happier.

Wish on stars? All the time.

Like your handwriting? Han--dwriting? What's that?

Have any bad habits? Most of my traits are bad habits.

Stupid brother! Wants me off the computer so he can play a video game! I swear, I need something to do...I wish I had a good playstation game dagnabbit! I remember when I had Harvest Moon, I would play that, and Jamie would be on the computer, and then vice versa. *sigh* Maybe I can beg my mom to let me rent it this weekend. It is my b-day after all.

Or at least a ball and a stick.