The first time I "met" Glory it was over a cookie she'd made with fondant. I came across it on Flickr, and I was in the middle of telling her how pretty I thought it was, when I read her caption pointing out that her elegant embossed fondant cookie in fact, looked like an egg. 

From that day on, I remembered her.  Before then, she was only an online stranger that created these beautiful treats.  However, that day in my eyes she became a  real person.  A REAL, funny person that made beautiful things but still wasn't afraid to laugh at herself, which REALLY appealed to me.

Over the last two years I've had the pleasure of getting to know her much better, and my respect and admiration for her have only grown.  I gave her the nickname Glory-bee because it just suits her.  It's positive and happy and bright, and since she lives in sunny California, it only makes sense.

As much as I admire her, you can only imagine how excited I was when my amazing friend asked me if I would consider making cookies for her daughter Joy's fourth birthday.


I wasn't just happy, I was completely flattered and more inspired than I had been in AGES.

I always tease Glory and call her Mini-Martha, {only nicer} because everything she touches she transforms into beautiful. 

Once again, she did not dissapoint.  When she sent me the photos from Joy's party, I was floored.  She put together the most AMAZING party and I got to contribute. 

I have a few of the gorgeous photos here, but they don't even begin to tell the whole story, so be sure to read about all of the fun details on her blog, Glorious Treats.

*party photos by Gene Chutka

Seeing pictures of the party left me so excited that I pretty much got ladybug fever.  My mind was going a million miles an hour thinking of all of the fun ladybug-themed cookies I could do.  Especially with Valentine's Day coming so soon.

Lucky for me, I knew just who to ask for help.  When I mentioned to my crafty friend Mique from Thirty Handmade Days that I wanted to do ladybug-themed Valentine's she got right to work and designed this adorable printable.  The best thing is, you can get it too, just click on the picture below.

Aren't they CUTE!!!

I filled mine with these three heart ladybug cookies, but there are so many options, really...

You could do lots of itty bitty heart shaped ladies,

Cute little ladybug themed "Love" cookies,

Double heart ladies,

Or even ladybug cuppies {which I will show you how to make tomorrow}

Really the possibilities are endless!

I really had a good time with this.  I was so excited to have had the chance to work with a friend.  It was inspiring and fun.  But the best part of it was the reason I love making cookie most... 

Do you know what that is?

This!!!  It's the smile on precious little faces like this one that make me LOVE what I do!

Happy birthday, JOY!!!