In this fascinating series, we look at members of WoogsWorld and ask them the tough questions. We begin today with Harry, who at 6, is struggling with the transition from little boy to big boy. Harry's first few days in this world were not always smooth sailing. Quick to fire up and an ability to eat more than anyone else (apart from the cat), Harry is enjoying life as an eldest child and specialised in fighting with his brother. I call him my Chunky Monkey.

Favourite Food? Tuna Mornay, Watermelon, Mango
Favourite Sport? Soccer
What do you like best about your Mum? She cooks very good and is a good dancer.
What do you like best about your Dad? He brings McDonald's and does big farts.
How many times do you say Stop It Jack in a 24 hour period? a thousand.
Best Friend? Zack, Jackson and Jasper
What do you want to be when you grow up? A vet and a nightclub worker
What scares you? Bad dreams

Who is your favourite singer? Michael Jackson
What makes you happy? when Jack stops annoying me
What is important to you? My mum's iPhone.
What is the best day you have ever had? Today because we get to make cupcakes.
And back to your mum, 3 words that describe her? Fancy, Beautiful and nice.

He is vice-president of my fan club. A man with good taste. Next week we will be interviewing Wilson Woog - come back and see what makes Sydney's largest, grumpiest cat tick as we try to get to the bottom of the issue of his issues with Mr Woog.

If you have not entered my How A Pressure Cooker saved My Life Giveaway, slide on over here and do so now.
Also a special shout out to for coming out this morning to stop all my neighbours from scabbing from my Internet network. Oh for Shame......