If you're a foodie, or pretending to be one while you eat at places like Applebee's, check out the new online foodie haven, Hello DELICIOUS, which bills itself as representing "the next generation of foodies...We are a delectable and daring twist, with a forward-thinking approach, that the gourmet world has never seen before. A fusion of a fresh, inviting environment with our unique selection of products is just the beginning. We spot trends, and represent the latest and greatest in an accessible way."

If you buy something from the site in February, type in TULNOLA in the special offer code during checkout, and they'll donate 10% of their profits to Tulane University here in New Orleans, a spot near and dear to moi. Co-owner Lilly Stein is a Tulane grad (and a "brandbabe/trend-spotter"). Check out some of the Sweetriot coffee nibs, which have a great taste with very little sugar impact, and the ultra cool pop junkie plates. The site is pretty small right now, but should be growing.

And, no, I don't have any affiliation with these folks other than the university tie-in.