My Imouto wants me to tell her what I think of her poem.

My favorite part so far would have to be
Tired out, I can bet on it,
'Cause Cam gave him (-koff-)
I can figure out the blank! Amy-chan is a genius! A Genius!! Megarina-chan is the bestestestest writerer In the world!! She's right up there with Dora, Firefly and Dr.Sues!
The poem isn't finished yet, so I can hardly wait!

Now for my next review I will be reviewing Shalindor!
I can't say a lot about it, its very hush hush you see, but let me tell you its really really goooooood! Good with a capital OOOOOOOO!

The characters are very well written and the discription used is fabulous!
Keep up the good work kiddies!!!!!