What a week it has been. I've seen the absolute best in people here in Perth as fires blazed out of control both North, South and East of us. We were thankfully well away from any danger, but many others were not so fortunate. The weekend forecast is pretty awful in terms of fire danger and I am sincerely hoping that Perth remains blaze free.

This week I'm joining in with Maxabella again. I'm grateful for:

1. Playdates, coffee mornings and telephone chats with friends. Now that we're back in the school routine and I am bit more organised, I'm really enjoying this time with people. I feel very blessed.

2.  Supportive bosses. I feel particularly lucky to work for people who are unfailingly encouraging and generous with their time and suggestions. While I only meet one of my bosses when I am over East, my chats with her always leave me smiling. As well as offering me many fantastic opportunities, it makes a huge difference to be part of collaborative work environments. And my other job FORCES me to try things like this:

3. This weekend Husband and I are going out. To Rockpool. I am looking forward to this more than I can say.

While the week ahead poses its share of worries including Husband's grandmother undergoing potentially life threatening surgery, it's also my brother's birthday and he shares it with St Valentine. Sweet no? And a highly useful way never to forget his birthday ;) And in other news, I've signed up for bootcamp. (See pic above as a key reason for it)
So if I don't post next week you'll know that ended very badly indeed.
I hope it is a good week for you.

PS Have you rewound at The Fibro? So easy to do and a great way to read other posts and meet new bloggers as well.